100 Push-Ups Counter & Trainer

100 Push-Ups Liegestütz Coach


100 Sit-Ups Six Pack Trainer

100 Sit-Ups Sixpack Coach


100 Squats: Butt & Leg Trainer

100 Kniebeugen: Bein und Po


Plank Workout & Fitness

Plank Challenge


All the FITNESS apps you need 💪

Are you looking to get fit and healthy? Look no further! Our fitness apps are here to help you reach your fitness goals. Download the 100 Push-Ups Counter and Trainer now for free 👇👇👇

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You're in great company.

See what our users say

5 / 5

This push-up app is amazing! It has helped me improve my form and increase my reps. I love the leaderboard and to compete with my friends. Definitely worth the download! Five stars!

Josh Shaeffer
4.5 / 5

I'm blown away by how effective this push-up app has been for me. I'm really happy with my purchase and would highly recommend this app to anyone looking to up their push-up game. Five stars!

Franz Tretter
5 / 5

This push-up app is fantastic! The leaderboard feature adds a fun and competitive element to my workouts, and I love being able to see how I stack up against other users. Five stars!


Feedback & Improvements 🤩

You have feedback and/or you would like to help us to improve the app(s) and the experience. We can't wait to hear from you. Please send us an email to support@foxyfitness.app 👋


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